“All relationships are built on trust;
if you don’t have trust, you don’t have much of a relationship.”
Dennis and Michelle Reina
One of the reasons why teams at work don’t function well is because of the team’s relationships- there is a lack of trust among team members.
When a team does not trust each other, this is what happens:
- It’s as if they don’t want others to see their flaws and failings, so they never ask for help.
- In situations when they’re not directly involved, they’re reluctant to help.
- They are hesitant to express their opinions or praise for another’s abilities.
- Attending meetings and spending time together is something they want to avoid.
Teams who have a hard time trusting each other may have legitimate reasons in their past, circumstances that could explain the roots of their distrustful mindsets.
Thus, when it comes to building a high-performance team, building trust is one of the important and fundamental things.
Here are the 5 ways to build trust within your team:
#1. Be vulnerable
Open ourselves up, be receptive mentally and emotionally to someone or something.
Being vulnerable doesn’t imply disclosing our secrets to allow people to take advantage of us; rather, it means giving them the impression that we’re just like the rest of our team.
Being vulnerable also means having the courage to accept our mistakes and express ourselves without fear of being judged.
#2. Clarity in communication
Communication starts with listening. Always listen to what others have to say with the intent of understanding rather than just responding.
Communication also means sharing information. When we do not share information, we undermine the trust others can put in us. It puts them into a position of guessing, assuming, and mind-reading.
So being able to express ideas, opinions, goals, promises, and other information in a clear, straightforward, and accurate manner is essential to provide clarity in team communication.
#3. Manage expectations
Setting expectations within a team can eliminate or reduce confusion and increases the chances of the team members being successful in achieving the goals set for them.
Managing expectations include setting boundaries, delegating effectively, supporting mutually beneficial goals, sticking to agreements, and acting in a consistent manner.
#4. Response-Ability
Take personal responsibility for what we say and do with our words.
When we take responsibility, it sounds like this:
“You can depend on and count on the fact that I will do what I say.”
“I align my actions with my words.”
” What I say, I will do.”
#5. Adjust-Ability
We all make mistakes. When we don’t deliver, make proper and suitable adjustments.
We apologize, inform the other person, ask for forgiveness, make amends, learn, make changes so the mistake does not happen again.
Building trust in one’s team is the most important task for every leader. By creating trust, we can create a diverse and inclusive culture where our teams have a feeling of belonging and engaged.
Curated by Danielle Tan.
- Setting Empowering Frames for the “Trust” and Trustworthiness by L. Michael Hall, Ph.D.