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The Official Institute of Neuro-Semantics Malaysia

NLP, Neuro-Semantics, Coaching and more

The International
Meta Coaching System

It is a cutting-edge coaching methodology that transcends traditional Performance Coaching, taking both Coach and Client to higher levels…to Developmental and Transformational Coaching. 

Who will benefit from Meta-Coach Training?

New and experienced coaches who want to give their clients effective, cutting-edge coaching.

People passionate about transformative human growth and development

CEOs, entrepreneurs, managers, and sales managers who want potent tools to optimize the performance of their teams or business.

Parents and teachers who want to nurture and support human development.

Know More About Meta-Coaching

What makes Meta-Coach Training unique?

Academic rigour and practical application

Comprehensive, competency-based training

Modular training that’s fast and flexible

Learn from Master Coaches

Ongoing support and development

Take what you need for your life

Five Accreditation Modules

Coaching Essentials

Coaching Genius

Coaching Mastery

Professional Certified MC

Master Certified MC

The International Meta-Coaching Community

The International Society of Neuro-Semantics (ISNS)

Meta-Coach training is accredited under the auspices of the International Society of Neuro-Semantics (ISNS) co-founded by Dr. L. Michael Hall and Dr. Bob Bodenhammer. The ISNS supports Neuro-Semantics in all of its applications around the world. There are more than 20 Neuro-Semantic Institutes throughout the world.

The Meta-Coaching Foundation (MCF)

The Meta-Coaching Foundation (MCF), co-founded by Dr. L. Michael Hall and Michelle Duval, governs and monitors the field of Meta-Coaching through scores of MCF Chapters around the world. The MCF ensures the preservation of ethical and professional standards as well as ongoing research and development.

Under the auspices of the MCF, an independent Board of Meta-Coach Trainers protects the integrity of Meta-Coaching and Meta-Coaches. Meta-Coaches are encouraged to make a difference to their Community via the practice groups of the MCF Chapters.

“The most unique distinguishing factor of Meta-Coaching is the 7 models that inform a Meta-Coach to know what to do, when to do it, how, with whom, and why. This makes Meta-Coaching systematic and prevents the Meta-Coach from treating the profession as a grab-bag of tricks. Now the Meta-Coach can truly facilitate the self-Actualisation of clients as they unleash their highest and best potentials.” - Dr. L. Michael Hall, Ph.D, Co-Founder

“With the NS models, the International Society, and the Meta- Coach Foundation, a Meta-Coach can coach with the confidence of knowing they are at the forefront of a revolution in coaching.” - Michelle Duval, Co-Founder, MCF (Meta-Coach co-developer, 2003-2007)

The Meta-Coach Community

The International Meta-Coaching Community includes like-minded colleagues (coaches, trainers, business leaders, entrepreneurs and innovators). Share, learn from, and contribute to coach-referral websites and e- groups. Enjoy ongoing access to cutting-edge developments as they evolve. You will be supported by this international community for an ongoing source of inspiration for your growth in Meta-Coaching excellence.

Become a Meta-Coach Trainer

A Meta-Coach who is also a Neuro-Semantic Trainer can apply to become a Meta-Coach Trainer. When accepted, he or she will enter into a three-year internship with Dr. Michael Hall. Then through rigorous testing, understudying expert Coaches, one can eventually become licensed to conduct Modules III and IV and become part of the Neuro-Semantic Leadership Team.

Institute of Neuro-Semantics Malaysia

We are a people focused community providing highly effective training courses in NLP and Coaching. Our aim is to enable people to become more effective, have more satisfying & meaningful personal and business lives and achieve better results.

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The Official Institute of Neuro-Semantics Malaysia

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