Meta-Cafe: How to Stop Selling Yourself Short

  • You have big dreams, but you are in a state of stuckness.
  • How do you excuse yourself from taking the necessary actions required for reaching your highest goals and achieving your best dreams?
  • Have you ever let procrastination stop you from implementing what you know to do and want to do? interfere to kip you from fully establishing new learnings or embodying new performance?
  • Do you ever put off doing something that you ought to do and that you know will enrich the quality of your life?
  • You sell yourself short by letting numerous voices and feelings put off what you want to do that would enable you to achieve peak performance.

Now you can join us in this “Meta Cafe” with an atmosphere of fun and joy to complete all the previous challenges and more…

In this workshop, you will learn:

  • Why we procrastinate, the mechanisms of procrastination.
  • Kind of excuses, why excuses are usually driven by thinking short-term.
  • How to deal with procrastination, how to refuse excuses: Tools and patterns to deal with selling yourself short.

So, you will enjoy the following benefits:

  • Adopt anti-procrastination strategies.
  • Overcome the habit of delaying important tasks.
  • Stop putting off your success.
  • Take charge of your life and become proactive.
  • “ You will do it”, it will simply become a matter of discovery and of building the resources so that you can … and will.

Event Details:
Date: 17 December 2022 (Saturday)
Time: 3:00pm – 5:00pm (MYT)
Venue: Zoom
Fee: Free

The event is finished.