How can you make sure that your coaching skills are at their absolute best, whether you coach as part of your job at an organization or as a freelancer?
Psychoanalyst David Shapiro presents many revisions to the classic psychoanalytic framework in his 1999 book, Psychotherapy of Neurotic Character. In contrast to Freud, he places greater emphasis on the here
Sometimes, when you start a coaching session and begin asking the Well-Formed Outcome questions, something interesting occurs. Your client may start answering some of the questions that you haven't even
Most people and businesses have it wrong.
When the economy is slow or in a recession, they often cut back on learning. It's like they believe that personal development has nothing
Medical professionals can better treat patients when they can observe their brains in action and make decisions based on that information. They can now see clearly what's going wrong and
The fact that we can now take pictures of our brains thanks to advances in science and medicine is mind-blowing. We can even capture images of a working brain. Amazing!
What are your expectations when it comes to learning a new field and acquiring the skills necessary to become competent in that field? Is it realistic to aspire to become
Yes, coaching clients can get defensive sometimes. The truth is that defensiveness is a natural human response, and it can even arise in coaching clients. It is important for a
Experiences can occur at various levels of the mind. The most obvious, and even undeniable experiences, occur at the primary level of the empirical senses. Here you and I see,
In order to be successful at Meta-Coaching, especially once you've progressed over the ACMC level, you'll need to develop your coaching mirroring skills. These include the two-way communication processes of