Andrew Tham is a Certified Trainer of Neuro-Semantics (NS) and Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP), certified by the International Society of Neuro-Semantics, Colorado, USA. While his current focus is on conducting shorter 3-day NS-NLP Certification Programs like Coaching Essentials and Coaching Genius, he has previously conducted more than 50 batches of NS-NLP Practitioner Certification and also 10 batches of NS-NLP Master Practitioner Certification. For more information about Neuro-Semantics and NLP, please visit:
With background experience in Family Therapy and Hypnotherapy, his Great Passion in life is to help Individuals and Teams to find their Signature Path, and to maximize their potential in life via training, coaching, counseling and mentoring. His Approach in training is Learner Centered and he cultivates wisdom, knowledge, skills, attitudes and values that will raise personal and organizational performance to higher levels. In doing so, he Equips individuals with powerful tools, Energizes them to harness the power of teams, and Empowers them to develop more leaders. His Specialty is aligning intentions, closing the gap between knowing and doing, overcoming excuses, swishing negative movies into positive ones and anchoring states of excellence in everyone he meets. Thousands of people from 23 countries have attended his programs and have become better and more effective leaders, managers, speakers, coaches, therapists and parents.
He is a Certified Trainer, Program Developer and Assessor of Competency Based Training & Education (Certificate IV in Workplace Training, Category 2), certified by DETAFE South Australia. He is also a Certified Internal Assessor with the National Vocational Training Council and has developed Core Competency Models and delivered Core Competency Modules for various financial, retail and manufacturing organizations. He has also conducted many batches of Train The Trainer (TTT) and also Evaluation on the Effectiveness of Training (EET) Programs for the National Human Resource Development Corporation.
Andrew Tham is also a Certified Trainer of Body Language and Deception Detection, certified by the famous Body Language Institute, Washington DC, USA. Currently, he is the only Certified Body Language Trainer in the Asia-Pacific Region and has conducted more than 50 batches of Body Language Detective Certification. For more information on Body Language and Deception Detection, please visit:
We are a people focused community providing highly effective training courses in NLP and Coaching. Our aim is to enable people to become more effective, have more satisfying & meaningful personal and business lives and achieve better results.
The Official Institute of Neuro-Semantics Malaysia